Henan Baijia Industrial Paper Bag Manufacturing Factory has achieved unprecedented results in the production of multi-wall paper bags in 2023, but it also faces many challenges. Summarizing 2023 and planning for 2024, Baijia Industrial Paper Bag Factory will continue to improve in the following aspects:

Control Loss:

The huge capital occupied by raw material inventory and finished product inventory has always been a problem of particular concern to manufacturing companies. Baijia Paper Bag Factory will continue to reduce the proportion of raw material inventory in 2024 and control it within a reasonable range with accurate calculation and efficient cooperation.

Control Inventory:

Central to Baijia's international success is the establishment of robust and enduring partnerships with internationally renowned companies. By consistently delivering high-quality industrial paper bag packaging, the factory has garnered trust and confidence from its partners. These collaborations extend beyond transactional relationships, evolving into true partnerships built on reliability, quality, and shared goals.

Optimize Product Results:

Among all industrial multi-layer paper bag types in 2023, valve bags account for a large proportion, while sewing bottom bags, flat-bottom open mouth bags, and pinch-bottom open bags all account for a relatively small proportion, which brings great pressure to production. Next, we will optimize the product structure, ease production pressure, and increase efficiency.

Optimize Profits:

The profit margin of paper bags for some orders in 2023 is low, resulting in the inability to receive many high-quality orders, thus reducing the overall profit margin of the factory. In 2024, Baijia Industrial Paper Bag Factory will give up orders with lower profits and give priority to high-quality orders.

Increase Production Capacity:

With the further development of global cooperation, the number of orders for multi-layer paper bags has surged in 2023, putting tremendous pressure on production and leading to tight delivery times. Baijia Paper Bag Factory will give top priority to improving production capacity and ensuring quality, and will increase the production target to a new level in 2024.